please choose your connection speed:
streaming audio: speed download video: filesize:
"forever" 56k isdn videoclip "forever"  
"can't stand it without you" 56k isdn as realmovie - file (.rm) 3,11 mb
streaming video:   download mp3 files:  
videoclip "forever"   isdn "forever" 4,66 mb
      "can't stand it without you" 4,63 mb
attention! if you have the new microsoft windows media player installed you may be hit by bill gates' revenge and get an error message instead of an mp3 download. we really have no idea what intentions this arrogant software- giant had when he made this possible, but we can help: just open the winmedia player, open the menu "extras/options/formats" and erase the tick at "mp3". then you'll have the real chance to lead a lucky life everafter - so microsoft will.
for this you will need the realplayer
if you don't have it
or are not sure,
click below to install it